Top 5 Skin Care Tips for Spring

With winter long gone and Spring setting up the stage for hot, murky Summers, it is time to take a hard look at your skin care routine and completely reshuffle it, if the need be. While winters called for warm woollens and lot of rich creams, spring calls for light clothes, shoes, hair and makeup….

6 Easy Ways to Get Oil-Free Clear Skin

Oily skin is neither good to touch nor good to see. Some individuals’ battle with the serious grease problem on their faces that brings acne and pimples with it. Here are 6 easy ways to banish oily, greasy skin that can be breeding ground for bacteria, blackheads and dirt. May be you are facing your…

Hark! 5 Best Foundations for Oily skin

Those with oily or combination skin type often find it challenging to find the right foundation that can control the shine and at the same time doesn’t cake up the face. Here we have brought you a list of 5 best foundations designed primarily for the oily skin. Try one of these most recommended foundations…