Rose Essential Oil: A Must-Have In A Perfect Skin Care Routine

Roses, the most beautiful and most loved flowers on our planet, are an integral part of numerous legends, stories, and legacies. Available in many different sizes, shapes, and colors, these flowers are the symbol of love and romance. But only a few are aware of the many awesome skin benefits of Rose essential oil. What…

The 4 Beauty Benefits Of Mustard Oil You Must Know

As temperature keeps falling down day after day, our skin, hair, and lips get drier. In winter, you put a real good amount of time applying moisture all over your body. Let’s quickly check out 4 absolutely great benefits of Mustard oil for hair and skin.

8 Best Kept Secrets to Look Younger

Who doesn’t want to look younger than their age? Both men and women spend a quality time in exercising, dieting and grooming themselves to look a few years younger than they actually are. However, not everyone might be successful in this endeavor. Here are 8 secrets that will get you a younger looking skin in…

Get Beautiful Tan Without Damaging Your Skin

Though most of us loathe the sun in the summer months, there is nothing like a beautiful tan that you get on the beaches. Sunrays not only boost the serotonin levels in the body but also produce a healthy amount of Vitamin D that is good for bones, teeth and skin. While harsh sun rays…

Tighten Open Pores With These Easy Hacks

The open pore is a common problem most people face that is generally caused by excess secretion of sebum. When left untreated for long, these pores appear larger with time and look unappealing. Here are 6 easy hacks to tighten those open pores and get an even skin.

Top 5 Skin Care Tips for Spring

With winter long gone and Spring setting up the stage for hot, murky Summers, it is time to take a hard look at your skin care routine and completely reshuffle it, if the need be. While winters called for warm woollens and lot of rich creams, spring calls for light clothes, shoes, hair and makeup….

6 Easy Ways to Get Oil-Free Clear Skin

Oily skin is neither good to touch nor good to see. Some individuals’ battle with the serious grease problem on their faces that brings acne and pimples with it. Here are 6 easy ways to banish oily, greasy skin that can be breeding ground for bacteria, blackheads and dirt. May be you are facing your…

Hark! 5 Best Foundations for Oily skin

Those with oily or combination skin type often find it challenging to find the right foundation that can control the shine and at the same time doesn’t cake up the face. Here we have brought you a list of 5 best foundations designed primarily for the oily skin. Try one of these most recommended foundations…

Rose Water – The Amazing Skin Elixir That Heals And Beautifies

Egyptian ruler Cleopatra’s legendary beauty is often attributed to the use of rose water.  Rose Water is one such beauty elixir that heals, beautifies and cares for your skin without being expensive. Whether your skin is dry, oily or sensitive, rose water has many healing and enhancing properties that have led to the extensive use…

7 Best Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Every girl wants to look her best and gorgeous at almost every hour. While you might not be up to it first thing in the morning or late at night, these 7 tried and tested beauty hacks will save the day for you. While hair is the crowning glory, it might not be up to…

Facts about Face Cleansing You Need to Know

Face cleansing may seem to you the simplest part of your skin care regime. When done right and regularly, face cleansing can get you healthy and youthful glow. However, many of you are still unaware of the right way to cleansing. Choose from imported skin care products, but if the skin cleansing product you choose…

Buy Imported Cosmetic Online in India

Nobody can deny his or her fondness for imported products. Be it cosmetics, clothes or practically anything else, if it is imported, it is sure to impress us. Some relative or friend living abroad is a boon for many who care crazy after imported products but the problem occurs when you decide to buy them…