The 4 Everyday Habits That Cause Damage to Your Teeth

Many of us may have a habit of eating their fingernails or ice cubes. But we probably overlook the fact that such habits can turn out to be harmful to your teeth.  While our teeth have enamel, one of the hardest substance a human body can produce on own, cover it, some everyday habits can make it wear down prematurely posing more risk to your teeth health.

Here are 4 everyday habits that can take a toll on your teeth’s health and appearance. And this is why you need to stop doing them!

Biting fingernails

Biting fingernails can be harmful to your oral health. It can damage enamel and put your mouth at higher risk of infection and other dental problems. Chewing nails also flatten edges of your teeth.

Chewing Ice Cubes

Chewing ice can get you cracked or chipped teeth. It can also cause a toothache and headache. What’s more, it can cause early wear of tooth enamel. In short, the lower temperature and hardness of the ice can wreck your teeth.

Drinking too much soda or citrus drinks

Drinking soda and citrus based juices more frequently and repetitively can cause damage to your teeth. It can be even more harmful if you are slowly sipping them. These drinks have a high amount of acidity into them which can cause enamel loss and tooth decay over time. The next time you drink soda or citrus juice, do it quickly avoiding its contact with your teeth.

Using them like a tool

If you ever tried using your teeth to open a bottle, package or hold some stuff, don’t do it again. It can lead to the broken tooth or worse tooth loss. Using your teeth as a tool can damage them, no matter how strong they are. Teeth are meant to be used for chewing food only, not otherwise.

Stop these bad habits if you want to have healthy teeth and wonderful smile! Discover a range of great oral hygiene products like breath fresheners, denture care solutions, flosses, manual toothbrushes, mouthwashes, toothpastes and more from well-known brands!


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